Department of Finance’s Building Management Work awarded ME Services to upgrade TRG Police complex plant room consisting of chiller, boiler, BMS system, structural steel and other associated building works.
Scope of Works:
- Pre-works surveys to identify flow rates for all supply and return air outlets served by the AHUs, flow rates for all chilled and heating water control valves served by the central plant
- Removal and demolition of existing mechanical services installation (incl. Chiller and Boiler on site)
- Supply, install and commission new Trane chiller.
- Supply, install and commission new chilled/ heating water pumps.
- Supply, install and commission new hot water system.
- Supply and install new weatherproof MSSB.
- Complete electrical power and control system.
- Complete associate piping, valves, fitting and supports.
- Issue working drawing, testing, and Operating manual.